Is the CZ 75 TS California Legal? Looking for Guidance

I’m considering the purchase of a CZ 75 Tactical Sport (TS) and have been doing some research on its legality in California. Since California has some of the most stringent firearm laws, I want to make sure I’m not missing any important details. Here’s what I’ve found so far:

Overview of CZ 75 TS

The CZ 75 Tactical Sport is known for its accuracy and performance, especially in competitive shooting. However, it’s crucial to ascertain whether this model complies with California’s regulations.

Key Points to Check for Compliance

  1. Model Specifications: Verify if the specific model is listed as compliant with the California Department of Justice.
  2. Features: Look for any modifications that could render it illegal, such as magazine capacity and safety features.
  3. Roster Status: Check if the CZ 75 TS is on the California Handgun Roster to make sure it can be legally purchased in the state.

Where to Buy

I’d love to hear recommendations for shops in California that either carry the CZ 75 TS or can order it. It’s important for me to deal with retailers who are knowledgeable about the legality issues to avoid any hassles.

Additional Questions

  • Has anyone here purchased the CZ 75 Tactical Sport in California?
  • Were there any challenges during the purchase process?
  • What are your thoughts on its performance for both competition and recreational shooting?

Looking forward to your responses. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated!

To see if the CZ 75 TS is California legal, check the California Roster of Handguns. As of now, the CZ 75 TS is not on the roster, which means it cannot be sold as new in California. Just keep that in mind!

That’s right! If you really want one, consider finding a used one that was purchased before the roster changes. That’s usually your best bet.


Also, if you are planning to make modifications, be careful! Any change could potentially affect its legality and how it’s classified under state law. Best consult a lawyer if you’re unsure.


Good point! I heard that even minor mods could complicate things. It’s so confusing navigating these regulations.

Just to complicate things further, if you buy from a private seller, make sure they have proof of original purchase in CA. Otherwise, getting it registered might be an issue.

Absolutely! I was lucky to get my hands on a used one with all the paperwork. Made it much easier, and a smoother process overall!

Humorously, if this gun was a person, I think it would be very popular at parties. But for real, ensure everything is above board!


It’s really frustrating how many people are unaware of these laws. I’ve seen so many cases where people just assumed they could own any gun they wanted. Please educate yourselves!

So true! A little knowledge goes a long way. Better to research than face fines or worse. We should all share what we learn.

In the end, just be patient and thorough! You’ll get your CZ 75 TS eventually. It’s all part of the game here in California.

The CZ 75 TS is a fantastic pistol! It’s known for its accuracy and reliability. Just check the California roster to ensure it’s compliant.

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Thanks for the info! I really appreciate the accuracy part. Any tips on how it compares ergonomically?

It feels great in the hand! The grip design allows for good control during shooting. Plus, the trigger is smooth which helps in accuracy.

That sounds awesome! Are there any modifications that are recommended without violating CA laws?

You can adjust the sights or swap out grips. Just make sure the modifications don’t affect its legal status. Keep it within legal limits!


You could also look into mag releases or ensure your mag capacity adheres to the CA limit. It’s about enhancing performance without breaking laws.

Great advice! I suppose aesthetics can also be modified to an extent, right?

Absolutely! Add-ons like custom grips or slide covers are fine as long as they comply with legal standards. Just be creative without crossing lines!

This is all so helpful! Quick question, how does it handle during rapid fire?