Looking for a Map of Wild Hogs in KY for Hunting

Seeking Help with Wild Hog Hunting in Kentucky

I’m planning a wild hog hunting trip in Kentucky soon and I’m looking to gather some information about where I can find wild hogs. I’ve heard that they can be pretty widespread in certain areas, but I’m not sure where to start.

A Few Questions I Have:

  • Where can I find a reliable map of wild hog populations in Kentucky? Are there specific counties or regions that have a higher concentration of wild hogs?
  • What are the hunting regulations I should be aware of? I want to make sure I’m following the rules while having a successful hunt.
  • Any tips for tracking or hunting wild hogs? I’ve read a bit about their behavior, but real-life advice from experienced hunters would be greatly appreciated!
  • How to responsibly manage hog populations? I understand that they can cause damage to the ecosystem, so what’s the best approach to manage their numbers?

If anyone has resources, links to maps, or personal experiences to share, I would really appreciate it! Looking forward to some insightful discussions.

Thanks in advance!