Can Non-Residents Open Carry in Oregon? Need Clarity!

Very true, jonathanglass. Each location has its own vibe. In more progressive areas, open carry may not be well-received. I’d suggest researching local attitudes beforehand.


Does anyone have experiences or tips for safe locations? I want to feel confident carrying!


I’ve found rural areas to be pretty open to it, especially at shooting ranges or events where it’s common.

And if you’re in a city, try to avoid crowded places. The last thing you want is to make someone panic. Just be aware of your surroundings.


What do you think about carrying in a store? I heard it can be controversial, especially if the store has a no-gun policy.

You’re right, marcusmiller. Many stores in Oregon are gun-friendly, but it’s always best to check their policies. Being respectful of the property owner is key.

I’m all for open carry, but it’s also vital to understand local laws. You don’t want to end up in a situation that could escalate unnecessarily.


Exactly! It’s crucial to strike a balance between exercising your rights and ensuring safety for everyone around.


Overall, it seems like common sense goes a long way here. Anyone want to share a light-hearted experience they’ve had while open carrying?


Haha, I once accidentally walked into a coffee shop with my gun out and realized everyone was staring! I just smiled and said, “I’m here for the espresso!”


Oregon’s laws on open carry are quite unique! Non-residents can open carry, but there are specific local rules to consider. Always check local regulations before traveling around with firearms.

That’s true! Compared to states like Arizona or Texas, Oregon is a bit stricter in terms of where you can carry openly. You’ve got to keep an eye on local ordinances.

It’s fascinating how varied the laws can be across different states. If you’re coming from somewhere like California, where the open carry laws are strict, Oregon might feel more permissive!

Exactly! And let’s not forget the fact that in some states, you can’t even open carry at all without a permit. Oregon is definitely a more open state in that regard.

As a non-resident, it’s crucial to research local gun laws. Some counties in Oregon have specific regulations that could apply, so don’t assume statewide laws are uniform.


Absolutely! I moved from a state with no open carry to Oregon, and the adjustment was quite an eye-opener for me.

I think it’s important to emphasize that while carrying, respect for local community norms can go a long way. Non-residents should be particularly mindful.


Totally agree! A little insight goes a long way in staying safe and respectful when exercising the right to carry.

Does anyone have experiences traveling through Oregon with open carry? It would be great to hear real-life implications and challenges.

I’ve done that! I found the responses of locals quite varied. Some were supportive, others a bit wary, which can really change the vibe.